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Strömgatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden
(+46) 322.170.71

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Custom tour

Private tour for clubs, friends, colleagues

Whilst TBT’s standard tours are designed to cover the needs of most riders, we are always adaptable to the individual needs of our valued clients, so we are very happy to work with any group / club to design their own bespoke itinerary. For example, we have successfully run special tours in the past responding to a combination of the following unique requests:

  • Specific training requirements geared to events like Haute Route and Etape du Tour etc.
  • A wish to visit different parts of the island and / or up-grade the accommodation options.
  • Less experienced or more holiday-orientated riders wanting a more relaxed pace.
  • More experienced / fitter riders eager to clock up longer distances and more climbing.
  • Larger groups with two distinct ability levels, each requiring separate on-road support.
  • Women only groups.
our staff: tenerife bike tour

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you on a special tour project. All we ask is that you give us plenty of notice of your plans, provide a clear brief and set a sensible budget per head, for us to work within. Just send us an email to kick off a discussion.

We look forward to rising to any challenges that you may set us and hope that your special itinerary will set aside ample time to sample Mama Delgado’s delicious paella!